Why You Need A Night Routine
What about living in the moment?
Night Routine For A Successful Day
1. Tidy Up
Do a quick clean up your kitchen and any space that needs tidying up. Having a clean space helps keep my head clear and gives me the ability to really focus on my goals and priorities. A sink full of dirty dishes really throws me off mentally, so I rarely go to bed with a dirty kitchen. Set a timer for 15 minutes and tidy up as much as you can in that time. I usually listen to a podcast or Audible when I’m cleaning up which makes the time a little more enjoyable.
2. Brain Purge
Take a few minutes and create a list of EVERYTHING that you need to get done, big and small. There is not a right or wrong way of doing your list. Choose 3 items that you will get done the next day no matter what. Why 3? Because picking more than 3 can feel too overwhelming. Estimate how long each of those 3 items will take and schedule them into your day. Any extra items you get done is a bonus! You can write your list in categories (work, house, kids, etc) if it’s helpful for you. I just write one big list. The things I didn’t get done are carried over to the next day. If I have a big task that is going to take more than a day to complete, I will break it down into smaller tasks.
I have found that when I write down everything I need to get done, it gets all of the brain clutter out so I can focus on other things and I’m not trying to rely on my memory which can waste time. It also helps me sleep so much better.
You can use the notebook app on your phone, a journal, notebook or you can use this free printable that I use. I keep mine on my nightstand as a reminder to plan my day before I go to bed.
3. Express Gratitude
Write down at least 3 things you are grateful for that day. Think of new and different things you are grateful each day, this helps you realize that life really is good and there is so much to be grateful for even on your worst days. Feelings of gratitude have mental and possibly even physical health benefits. So be grateful, because it’s good for you!
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